Don’t Be Religious
In Acts 17:22, the word for ‘religious’ there refers to an acknowledgment of God that is very scrupulous (NEB), leading to more fear and superstition than it does to trust with worship (CWSD:NT, word #1174). We should ask, then, if our Christianity is focused on relationship with God or on techniques for getting what we want from Him. In Mt 6:7-8 (Message), Jesus tells us not to focus on formulas and techniques for getting what we want from God. This is practicing magic. Magic has to do with controlling others – including God. Magic is a work of the flesh (Gal 5:20 – See SEC, NT word #5331). It is self-centered. Magic does not emphasize relationship with the other but stresses scrupulous accuracy in the use of techniques. Indeed, in magic the methods work apart from having a relationship with God. Rather, the approach focuses more on fear that the methods were not precisely followed than on trust. What we want rather than worship of Him is also the goal. However, God cannot be manipulated into giving us what we want.
Since magic is a work of the flesh, it is safe to assume that we all have areas where we take a technique, rule-oriented, superstitious, and more-fear-than-trust approach to God. Perhaps we believe that we can procure His financial blessing by following very specific, precisely-done steps. Maybe we operate, at times, as though formulaic praying will bring about the kind of results we want in other areas such as healing or protection from harm. We must let go of this and recognize that ‘Our Father’ is the sovereign One who is ‘in heaven.’
In contrast, Jesus tells us that relationship with God is central – ‘Our Father.’ It is not about what we want but hallowing His name and asking for His will to be done. This requires trust and surrender.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.