Fear Can Paralyze Us
There are times, of course, when a response of fear is natural and warranted. By seeing a dangerous situation, we can avoid it or take appropriate action to not be hurt by it. It triggers our survival response of fight or flight. Even Jesus told us that it is usually good to flee persecution if we are able (Mt 10:23). Nevertheless, fear can keep us from such things as taking warranted risks, from doing our duty, or from being vulnerable with an appropriate person. We need to ask the Lord for victory over incapacitating fear so it doesn’t govern our behavior (Ps 34:4).
God wants us to overcome the power that such fear so often has to paralyze us. Love cannot properly mature when we are motivated by fear (1 Jn 4:18, CW). Fear is like pulling down the sail on the boat of our lives – we are then no longer able to be directed by God’s wind, the Holy Spirit. It undermines faith and the love which faith is to express (Gal 5:6). Instead, we must choose to yield to God’s empowerment (Phil 2:13, NCV) rather than giving in to fear. Thus, it is God’s strength, not fear, that controls our behavior (Phil 1:28, JNTC note).
How do we overcome fear? We overcome fear by remembering that God loves us (Dan 10:19, TEV). Since fear makes inroads as our faith dwindles (Herb 10:39), we can avoid too much emphasis on bad news and keep our trust in God strong (Ps 112:7, CJB). Recalling the Lord’s power is also vital (Isa 51:13, EVD). We know He is for us and have the courage of a clear conscience because we obey Him (Ps 78:10, CW). Fear is overcome through intimacy with Him who is love (1 Jn 4:18).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.