Giving Or Asking For Money
God’s purpose in prospering us financially is not for us to acquire a lot of things or to save a lot of money but to give a lot (2 Cor 9:11, Phillips-2nd ed). The more He enriches us, the greater is our ability – and God’s expectation – that we give. Being too limited in our giving is wrong. We also err in our use of money when we prosper at the expense of the less fortunate or when we give to the rich, who have no need for money (Prov 22:16, NBV). Other ways of inappropriately using money, that show our love is greatly flawed or nonexistent, include not providing a need when we could, focusing on making money more than on giving to those who need it, giving to those who don’t really need it (which deprives the needy of what could have been our help), and giving too much to our own impoverishment.
The result of good use of our money is stability and receiving generously (Lk 6:38, Barclay). Irresponsible use of money results in ‘suffering want’ personally and contributes to the destruction of the larger order – which could include family, church, and society (Prov 29:4). Since the word for ‘contributions’ in Prov 29:4 can refer to offerings for worship (CSB note), it at least seems reasonable to think that one legitimate application could be when the leadership of a church demands that the people give beyond the amount the Lord wants them to give. They are pressured to give beyond what they are graced to give.
It is sometimes true that we don’t have because we haven’t asked (Jas 4:2). However, it is also true that love doesn’t insist on getting its own way (1 Cor 13:5, AB-1st ed). We need to both give and ask for money using God’s wisdom, love, and guidance.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.