A Good Church Is A Good Place To Be
Generally, we best learn how to love when we are in community. After all, how can we effectively learn to give and receive love when we are alone? Yet, the community of believers need to be those who are faithful because a church with quite a few unbelievers (or ones in key positions) is likely to be a weak church. We need a strong faith community to help us grow strong in our faith.
How does regular church attendance help us grow spiritually? We receive biblical insight through preaching and Bible studies. Grace can be imparted to us through a practice of taking the Lord’s Supper and by getting baptized. The church gives us opportunities to talk to like-minded believers about our relationship to God. In church, we get to know other believers so we can pray for them and have them pray for us. Corporate worship also provides for multiplied power and transformative joy.
Hebrews 10:23-25 tells us that church attendance is vital to staying healthy in our faith. It describes a practice of non-attendance as leaving other believers abandoned because our gifts are no longer available to help fellow disciples who attend. In addition, the gifts of those at church are not available to help non-attenders grow. Good churches are worth attending.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.