Haste Is Costly
The Lord does not want us to be hasty. We are hasty when we respond too quickly without giving the matter adequate thought. For instance, we might evaluate a situation without knowing enough about what just happened (Prov 25:8, Message). This happens when we foolishly haven’t been willing to look at both sides of an issue (Prov 18:13). Similarly, we are often too quick to talk or to ramble on when with the Lord despite being warned to not be hasty when we talk to God (Eccl 5:1, NEB), that too many words make sin likely (Prov 10:19), and that we are to be ‘quick to listen and slow to speak’ (Jas 1:19).
Being hasty can have many negative consequences. We may do something in the wrong way or miss out on what God wants (Prov 19:2, EVD with AAT). Haste often leads to waste, making mistakes, and sin (Prov 19:2, Message with GW and CSB). Thus, haste leads to getting into trouble and being put in danger (Prov 19:2, CW with LB). Haste is ruinous (Prov 29:20, CSB).
What can we do to avoid being hasty? Pray. Listen to the Lord. Seek good counsel. We can also be diligent to accurately handle God’s Word. After all, 2 Tim 2:15 tells us to be diligent, prioritize, and do our best (RSV) to correctly analyze (Berkeley), skillfully handle (Rotherham), and correctly explain (NLT) His Word, the Bible. Doing so will lead us to greater faith (Rom 10:17) so we are not hasty to make other decisions (Isa 28:16, ESV) because we want to first know God’s will.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.