How Responsive Are You?
How do we know if our heart is hard? When we have a hard heart, pity and compassion are largely lacking. In general, we will also be emotionally constricted (Ps 17:10, Moffatt and GW). Stoical, more emotionally-flatlined responses are made in a computer-like way. We are proud and treat people disrespectfully (Dan 5:20, CJB) or with indifference (Mk 3:5, LB). After all, if we treat them with respect and considerateness, we may feel a need to be helpful. Hardness is further evidenced in self-will (Rom 10:21, Weymouth) since our focus is on ourselves rather than on the other person. Other signs of hardness would be lukewarmness or recklessness (Eph 4:19, AB), reluctance to respond to God (Heb 3:7-8), and not being very teachable (Mt 19:8, NEB). Remember, showing love requires that we be open to what the Lord may want us to do, to be willing to seeing another’s need (SS 2:15, SFLB note). With hardness, there is disobedience (Rom 10:21, KJV) with little or no grieving over sin (Eph 4:19, WSNT note), and stubbornness (Prov 29:1, NEB).
Softened hearts, on the other hand, are characterized by responsiveness. They are not calloused and insensitive as is true of a hardened heart. Other characteristics of soft-heartedness include being open, loving, obedient, and humble (2 Ki 22:19, Tanakh). Our heart is alive – not dead and petrified as a hardened heart. Softened hearts are rooted in love rather than fear and insensitivity.
We can cultivate a responsive heart by promptly and gladly obeying the Lord. We spend time listening to God and look for ways to be helpful to others. We study the Bible and put its teachings into practice so our spiritual discernment grows (Heb 5:12-14). This insight, when accompanied by a passionate desire to express our faith through loving obedience, sensitizes us to responding in a helpful, Spirit-directed way in each situation. Let us seek to have a sensitive and responsive heart.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.