Indifference Isolates Us
We bring trouble to ourselves when we are indifferent to the Lord’s guidance (Jer 2:17, LB). The Laodicean Christians were like this. ‘Laodicea’ means ‘people ruling’ (Rev 3:14, ASB note). The Laodiceans were largely indifferent to the Lord (Rev 3:19, NLT). The religious leaders in Mt 2 were also like this. Though they knew the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, they were too complacent to see for themselves if the wise men’s comments might be true (Mt 2:4-6). The result, sooner or later, is that the Lord will let those who are indifferent to Him follow their own path – with all the many negative consequences that they will have to face (Ps 81:11-12, Harrison).
We can also be indifferent toward others. This, too, causes enfeeblement (Prov 24:10-11, NAB). Our indifference can result in our becoming sick (1 Cor 11:30, Norlie). Since indifference is a failure to love, it produces a spiritual deadening as well (Heb 6:11-12, NLT). It is like becoming calloused or insensitive toward another. The predictable result is lack of intimacy, estrangement, and relationship problems.
We can largely be indifferent to the Lord or we can largely resist the influence of the world-flesh-devil so we can be sensitive to the Lord. If, over the long-run, we are habitually controlled by the world-flesh-devil, we are justly termed as sons of disobedience or ‘sons of carelessness’ (Eph 2:2, AB). Let’s not be indifferent about any indifference we have toward the Lord or toward others.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.