Don’t Overemphasize Productivity
Some people seem to value productivity above virtually everything else. However, as the story about industrious Martha and listening Mary shows, mere activity is not what the Lord wants (Luke 10:38-42). As Ecclesiastes 8:5-6 (NCV) tells us, we are to do the right thing in the right way and time. What is ‘right’ is what God specifically wants as to time, way, and activity.
Activity can be medicinal. For example, when Elijah was dejected, God gave him another assignment (1 Kings 19). Yet it is not just any activity that is helpful but God-directed activity. That is why Jesus told many they would be condemned on the last day for ‘good deeds’ because their deeds seemed to be religiously ‘good’ but were also unauthorized (Matthew 7:22-23, NLT-1996). Authorized activities are Spirit-directed, not self-directed. When we habitually and perseveringly work hard in areas where the Lord has directed us to work, it is healing for us and for others. This kind of work also gives us a chance to fulfill His call on our life. It is rewarding. It is us working in the field the Lord has assigned to us or running in the lane He has appointed for us (2 Corinthians 10:13 with the NIVSB note).
Passivity and inactivity, on the other hand, tend to lead toward laziness, a sense of helplessness, frustration, discouragement, and apathy. We increasingly want others to serve us instead of looking for ways to serve others. It is a movement away from expansion, growth, maturing, fruitfulness, and greater life. Instead, passivity and inactivity move us toward constriction, decay, immaturity, withering, and death.
It is not how strong, smart, or gifted we are. Good deeds are a matter of obeying Him. The Lord has a specific assignment for each of us that we are to do as we closely follow His Spirit. Though He understands that we will make many mistakes, He does not want us to rebelliously decide we will do this or that instead of seeking to know His specific will (Isaiah 30:1).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.