The Power Of A Good Example
Christians, as salt and life, are to be examples to others (Mt 7:13-16). Additionally, we are to carefully look for, then imitate, good examples (Prov 22:29a with Waltke, Proverbs, v 2, p 226). Following a fine example can be a difficult thing for us self-willed beings to do (WPNT note on Heb 13:7).
According to Thomas Sowell, German farmers in Paraguay worked so hard that native Paraguayan farmers complained that they couldn’t work as hard as the Germans while Honduran farmers reacted similarly to the Japanese farmers in their country (Sowell, Race and Culture, p 26). Sowell also said that American and Australian attitudes toward the Japanese became far more positive as they observed how hard the vast majority of the Japanese worked (Sowell, Migrations And Cultures, p 139).
A good example is not always valued. Many don’t like it when someone else displays high standards in an area. The person who does extra at work may be resented; the individual who stays a virgin until marriage may be ridiculed as an idiot; the teen who doesn’t use foul language and goes to church might be mocked for being too good.
It may take time to win someone to our point of view or to appreciate who we are or what we have done. Some may never be won over (1 Cor 7:16, ESV). But persevere. Change is more likely when we set a good example than when we complain. We need to keep a good attitude if we would have high achievement.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.