Each Small Step Forward Is Progress
Slow and steady can be a winning formula. After all, the Lord did not allow the Israelites to immediately conquer their Promised Land (Josh 11:18). Rather, it was a long process. God broke that big task into small, manageable steps. We are to focus on what is most important, what is vital, what is best (Phil 1:9-10). We should not exert great effort when the timing is not right and such effort would be wasted – perhaps even resented. God knows the right time for things and wants us to listen to Him so we, too, know when to act (Jn 11:1-7). We are to keep in step with Gods’ Spirit (Gal 5:25). One step at a time, we are to walk with the Lord (Amos 3:3). Each small step has significance because it is the step the Lord wants us to take to stay with Him, be in harmony with Him, be in close fellowship with Him.
Don’t we often realize the need for small steps and right timing in our relationships? Let us use marriage as an example. If our spouse is absolutely opposed to something, argument and pressure are likely to create fights, emotional distance, ill-will. No one wins. Instead, we often gently mention ideas, use logic, appeal to compassion, pray, wait. If they are dug in, we can fight and become estranged or wait for them to become less resistive, more open. In many cases, we will never come into agreement on various differences. That, too, can be okay (Rom 14:1-8).
The Bible expresses the need for timing when it refers to the great value of speaking a good word in the proper moment (Prov 25:11, Berkeley). This may involve many small steps to wait for and help create that right time. Remember, we are not to despise small beginnings where there seems to have been little progress (Zech 4:10, CEV with TEV).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.