Underdogs Can Win
The men who ran against Lincoln for the presidency in 1860 had already achieved great success by the late 1840s. Lincoln, on the other hand, was a political unknown with very, very little success. He still was far less known in 1860 than his rivals. Yet, God catapulted him, when it was his time, to a position of far greater responsibility and honor than any of his rivals. How many of us know much about Edward Bates? Ever even heard of him? Not that he wasn’t a man who served his generation but my point is that God can skyrocket a person to prominence no matter how far behind others they appear to be. It need not have to be done in the traditional, step-by-step way. God sometimes elevates the hidden, those who have been quietly and studiously preparing in their wilderness of obscurity.
In like manner, Eisenhower shot past Patton to be his boss and have a great role in history. However, at 52 he still had experienced little professional success. In fact, things didn’t look promising. He, too, seemed to be a staff officer going nowhere.
Wasn’t this also true of Mordecai who was elevated to great prominence in a day? What about Joseph – from prison to prominence in a day? Or Moses, who went from being a shepherd to the leader of a nation? This, too, happened quickly.
We needn’t be discouraged if time seems to be passing us by. Our destiny is in God’s hand. He can elevate. He can open doors. He is able to fulfill His purpose in us.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.