Choose To Be Happy
The Lord is happy (1 Tim 1:11, Rotherham). He is especially happy when His people do what is right (1 Chron 29:17, NCV). God wants to share His own happiness with believers (Mt 25:21, TEV). He so delights in seeing His people be happy (Ps 149:4, CW) that He actually commands us to be happy (2 Cor 13:11, LB; Ps 98:4, CEB). He does this because He wants us to be like Him – and He is happy. He wants what is best for us. Since God is what is best, He commands us to be just like Him so we can fully delight in Him (Ps 37:4).
Can we really choose to be happy? Yes. As Abraham Lincoln put it, “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Perhaps this is why the Lord actually asserts that His people will be happy people (Ps 144:15, CEB). We believers are to think as He does (1 Cor 2:16). Indeed, “Christians are the only people in the world who have anything to be happy about” (Billy Graham) because everyone else will be condemned as rebels and eternally banished from God’s presence.
What are some of the key things that contribute to being happy? (1) Having deep and loving relationships. (2) Obeying the Lord (Ps 112:1, CW). (3) Being generous (Prov 22:9, CEB). (4) Becoming optimistic. (5) Having realistic expectations. (6) Passionate worship (Ps 98:4, CEB). (7) Being able to laugh at our blunders. (8) Honoring God (Ps 128:1, CEB). (9) Growing spiritually (2 Cor 13:11, LB). (10) Expressing gratitude. (11) Learning to manage worry and anger. (12) Helping others who are in need (Prov 14:21, CEB). (13) Being content with who we are (Erasmus). (14) Not directly pursuing happiness. “Happiness is never found until we have the grace to stop looking for it” (James I. Packer). (15) Basing our happiness on the hope we have in Jesus Christ (Rom 12:12, Phillips).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.