Heal The Wall!
What does it mean to be healed? The walls of Jerusalem were healed because they were adequate enough to serve the function for which they were intended (Neh 4:1, Tanakh). At that time, the walls were not particularly aesthetic and lacked normal strength. Yet, they were complete enough to keep out the evil individual, Sanballet. More work was needed but the walls were functional for the immediate need. We are like the walls of Jerusalem.
At the most basic level, we must have a relationship with God before we can be adequately healed (Isa 53:5, CJB alt). Salvation includes the idea of being healed. We are healed when we have faith in Christ (Rom 5:1; Jn 5:24). Being saved gives us access to God’s transforming grace (Rom 5:2) by which our healing is furthered (1 Cor 15:10).
So how do we receive healing? Healing comes as we strenuously work to put one stone on another – as we do the next task, the next duty, that is put before us. This means we have to dig through the rubble in our life to first find suitable stones. They must be examined then we have to do the hard, dirty, painful work of slowly rebuilding. It involves determination, focus, and a willingness to look at what is broken, what is a source of shame to us. We must admit we are not healed, that we are not currently adequate to do what He has called us to do. Then, in the fellowship of open confession and prayer with Him and those in whom He resides, we can begin to be healed (Jas 5:16).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.